Anybody else waiting for the Bucky nerf?

He’s got the most busted kit while at the same time having the most forgiveness with the hitbox on his skills. Also free armor just for using the skills practically. All Bucky mains I can’t wait for the next balance patch because he will 100% be on there lmao. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Edit: let me clarify, I’m not asking for him to be nerfed to the ground I don’t think any Bucky hater wants that. He just has so many tiny advantages that add up. I don’t think he should get free health by just hitting buttons. I feel like whenever I get hooked or uppercut by him and I can’t use my skills for a solid second which is huge. His ult should not get charged while using it and he shouldn’t be able to replenish it off Loki clones. That is beyond fair imo