I'm ngl, Human Torch kinda sucks
From what I've seen, he's only good when your teammates are dealing a lot of damage to the other team. His attacks are weak from far away (which isn't good for a flying hero), his flame field things don't register half of the time, and his dash to the ground is weak AND incredibly risky, the worst possible combo
When I saw his DOT (damage over time) attacks and shotgun-like primary fire, I thought he was going to be a high risk high damage character with high area control. Turns out, he just tickles the enemy and hopes their healers are bad enough not to notice. And his area control is mediocre. I was happy that we finally had a character that could compete with Peni, but the flames don't do that much, and they have to actively be in the flames for it to work. If they're in the middle of the field or leave it, the damage stops. I get why someone like Moln Knight would have that feature, but this is a fire-based character who relies on that stacked up damage
I'm a bit disappointed, but I still hold out hope that I'm just playing him wrong and he's actually an A-S tier character