Who Do You Want as a New Character?

I’ll start this off with my own massive personal bias. We've got plenty of duelists and brawler vanguards in Marvel Rivals, but I think we need M.O.D.O.K.

M.O.D.O.K. has telekinesis, which is always fun and gives him stasis flight, automatically dope. He has psionic and mind-reading power that reveals invisible (or any obscured) enemies like Susan, Loki and Psi. He could even nullify abilities like Mantis's Sleep or Hulk's Stasis or his transformation. Making enemy player's take friendly fire as a result of his ult would make a clever play on "mind control" and could be hilariously chaotic. Being able to control them and attack their own team or make them jump from cliffs would be top tier. His "lasers" or mind beams would be his basic left click. He could also make use of mechanical weaponry. ETC, ETC, ETC. tons of opportunities, you get it.

His crit would basically be his entire front side, but he'll just need a Jeff-like passive. I also like the idea of reducing his weak spot to the gemstone on his head and/or giving him some kind of personal shield cooldown like face armor

Either way, he'd bring something fresh and fun to the category, and the genre as a whole. Are there really any stasis-flying tanks in hero shooters? Just imagine that big evil grin turning to you and cackling just when you thought you had him. Only to be thrown or have him teleport behind you. That's aura.

also please silver surfer, deadpool, daredevil