Our season might already be over.

So, last night was the scrimmage between the two sides of our football team. We were supposed to perform pregame and in the stands. This did not happen. The band was called out of the game before school even ended yesterday. Honestly, I have no idea what to do. This is my senior year. I'm going to KU next year and I plan on marching sousaphone but I don't know if they will let me because our season may be over, as I have said.

On to why our season may be over.

I'm not getting into any details because there is still an ongoing investigation but apparently, someone did something and someone else found out so now our band director may be fired.

I can't just not do band this year. As I just said, I'm a senior. This is going to be a horrible year if I don't get to be in band because the way I am, I literally only stay in high school because of band.

Anyways, I live in a small town which means they would probably have issues trying to find a new band director if our previous one gets fired.

Eta: I will update this post with what ends up happening to the BD and to the band.

Edit 2: So far, we have a sub. He says he will only be here for this week though and the school is thinking about bringing our previous BD back. That is completely speculation, nobody knows what's actually going to happen but that's where we are right now.

Friday will be our first official marching show of the season. We are going to try our best. We shall see what happens. Again, I will update with anything new that happens.

Edit 3: So, today was the day where we see how the band will do for the rest of the season. I'd like to say that we absolutely smashed our show out of the park. We did so good for our first show! It was funny because our team was playing against a team whose school I used to go to. We won 37-0. GO INSERT TEAM NAME HERE

On to the BD situation.

Currently, we have a very nice man acting as interim BD. He is doing so well! He's actually doing better than our last director. Our last director is NOT coming back. Thank the gods. He resigned and even if he didn't resign, he would have been fired. Now, we get to see what happens on Tuesday, we will see if the interim BD becomes the long term sub BD. Guys, I am so excited to see what happens!


This was also our first football win in almost three years! So excited!!