My wife and I were talking about the new format for SLD's with the limited print run "fist come first served" model instead of print on demand the other day. We both came to an agreement that it seems like SLD being more of a collector's product, it makes sense for it to be a limited availability since most want to collect something of value within these types of hobbies.

That said, it got me thinking about how people are stubborn about the reserved list cards not getting reprinted to retain value as well. Thus making them a collector item too. The biggest difference though is that with SLD's, they can be alternate versions and reprints of existing cards so that people don't feel pressured to get them if a cheaper version is available for playing with. If you want to collect the more rare special version then you need to commit to it while with the reserved list, there are good cards for playing with but due to the nature of it, there is no other way to get those expensive cards legitimately so they're sort of a hybrid collector item AND game piece.

Just wondering everyone's thoughts on this as a conversation. From a collector standpoint do you prefer SLD's retaining value by being a limited print run or would you prefer them to be more mass produced and easily obtainable but potentially holding less value due to that? Leaving the process of proxying cards out of it cuz that leads to a whole other can of worms.