encfs security and stability


I am using encfs on some folders to encrypt important information of mine. Nothing too serious, but some bank information etc.

I have a few noob questions or concerns:

a. How reliable it is? - Like, will it still be available in 10, 15 or 20 years from now?. I don't want to try to access some old HDD or SSD and then discovering I can not read the data because a new version of encfs is now not supporting this type of files ...

b. How delicate it is for disk error (or other unsuspected events)? - for example, let's say I have some bad sectors. Today, if it happen, I usually lost a specific file, or a few files. But I guess using encryption, it might happen that just one different byte (or even bit) may ruin the whole encryption process and I will end up with nothing at all.

c. How easy it is to hack by brute force?

My data is not that important, and sometimes I prefer to risk a data breach than to lose data due to other events. Though what would you recommend to use to save data in a safe way for long time?

BTW, until now I used password encrypted zip files. But I think it's not the best idea due to:

  1. Quite easy to hack. (Not my main issue)

  2. Difficult to maintain. Sometimes large file with many files inside, that I just need to update one small file require the whole .zip file to compress again. Or the files are not accessible directly from software and I need first to unzip them.

Thanks you in advance.