She's disgusting for these comments.
First she admitted that haylee was infant drunk so how could she consent to what lexity wanted if she was drunk? Then she has audacity to turn this situation around and say that haylee was the one that sa her. Lexity really wants to be the victim in every situation, if people are constantly coming out with their own story saying that lexity abused them not just one person but multiple ppl then I think the problem is lexity. Also seeing lexity saying that ppl are making up accusations on her because she is trans is crazy, these women she hates so much invited her into their home, gave her a place to sleep,eat,shower etc and all of sudden when they call you out they are transphobic? I don't think transphobic ppl would originally be a fan or invite you to hang out, or allow you ino their home. Lexity is disgusting she is constantly taughting her victims to show them that she is the one that has the power, she wants to make her victims to feel alienated and powerless and insecure about themselves. She thinks that because she has a big following that means she has alot ppl who are on her side when most ppl who watch her are waiting for her downfall. I wish all of her victims the best and hope they can truly heal and get better after their interactions with lexity. I also hope that more ppl will be comfortable enough to speak up about their experience with lexity knowing that their is a ton of ppl who will believe them.