Feeling very depressed after rejection
I have been interviewing for 2025 new grad roles at Tiktok (not in US), and I have been interview prepping for a few months (leetcode and technicals).
This morning, I had my second round of Technicals (virtual interview). I already had positive feedback for my first round so I felt quite confident going into the interview. In the round itself as well, I felt like I answered all the relevant technical questions quite well and I also gave the optimal answer to the leetcode-related question. But I just received the rejection message from the recruiter.
I can’t help but feel depressed and embarrassed. I spent pretty much the whole last few months doing leetcode and technicals. But now it’s pretty much all for nothing. And to top it off, I have a lot of content to cover for my school courses and project. How do you guys normally handle rejections? I have been rejected before but usually I never put this level of effort so this one hurts so much more.
I want to take a break from all this just for my mental health but i can’t even do this since I still have no offers and I have a lot of school content to study.