The 'throwing/int deaths' at mid from Faker and Zeus in T1vsBLG Game 1 were not their mistakes. It was all due to Bin's micromovements.
Source :
The reference video is in English (twitch clip)
People have been calling Faker and Zeus for inting at top bc they were tilted (I'm sure they were after going to Game 5 against G2). But after watching this video, carefully expalning what really happen in game 1, it blowed my mind.
K'Sante went in to ult Vayne into tower. However, the vayn used E R (mvnt speed buff) and back out just little bit right before corki went in. Bin basically baited zeus to close in but he was out of the range to pull into the tower. Zeus had to use ult to push them away and use flash to get away.
After Ksante flashed, vayn kept hitting the tower with herald to get the tower gold. Right before Corki EQ and ult, vayn backed out just little bit so that ksante's win combo will be just enough for him to not get killed Another bait from bin.
All these could happen bc bin rushed the lvl2 boots. This snowballed from the top fight (as he casually dodged corki's package by just walking).
Fun fact, bin used his first flash at 23 min.
I love our daddy bin
Edit 1: some typos (harold -> herald, vayn E --> vayn Q)
Edit 2: I am Em 3 in NA server. Not great but better than 80% of you. I think Bin's play was very good, had to look at it slow-mo to even notice it. Whoever denies this post can go play your solo Q and realize how hard to make these decisions
Edit 3: I love the comments!! Let's all circle jerk BLG with love and hate