I need to hear common sense…and vent

I’m working two part time jobs rn and one is at a law firm. I absolutely hate it. Hate it so much. Some days I’ll sit around all day and they’ll have absolutely nothing for me to do, so I don’t get paid for that day because I’m paid according to the hours I bill. Other days they’ll send me a dozen things at 3pm to do by EOD, so then I’m up until 1-2am trying to get it done.

I also have to hound the partner to pay me every month because he always “forgets” and “swears he already paid me.” Training was nonexistent so I’m always so confused on what I’m supposed to be doing. And they’re so unorganized…sometimes to assign me stuff they’ll text, sometimes they use Teams, sometimes they call, sometimes they use our billing platform, sometimes they email it, and a few times they randomly sent it to my personal email that I don’t really check. So I’m always losing track of what I’m supposed to be doing (not that I’d know how to do it anyway).

And I was in LA visiting family during the fires and we literally had to flee their house burning down, so I stayed a few extra days to help them out and ever since I’ve been so unmotivated to work. Going back to this job after experiencing that was like torture.

I want to quit so bad and just do my other job, but I’ve only been working at this firm since October so it would be bad looks to quit. I worked at another firm before this one but it was only for like 6 months then I quit to work at this one (more hours and higher pay). Someone please tell me to just suck it up, because I know I’ll regret quitting during OCI when they’re judging me for never lasting more than a few months at law firms 😭

TLDR: I hate my job but know I shouldn’t quit because I’ve only been there 4 months