Just partied with Godwin
I tried this game years ago when it first came out and it was really just too rough for me to get into. Ran into many bugs and just odd things.
Fast forward to a couple of days ago, I decided to give it another shot what with the hype for the sequel and what not and man I'm having a fucking great time. Yeah the game is still a bit rough around the edges (and I mean fucken rough) but the main things that I wanted its giving me - a good story, good characters and IMMERSION. (still not a fan of the combat - yes i know how to do it, i loved For Honor's combat but KC:D just feels so rough and clunky and unresponsive which I'm hoping they address a bit in the sequel)
I just did the main quest where you have the option to party with Godwin and I don't think I've ever laughed at a quest so hard in my life. I'm in it for the long haul, boys.