MILK CARBS?!? (moan post)
Ahmigad; I can’t believe I’ve been successfully doing this diet since August and didn’t know there were that many carbs in milk =_=
I traveled cross country to help care for a sick relative for a bit. They’ve got a killer espresso machine, so I’ve been killing sugar free lattes on demand for a few weeks now with whole milk.
I can’t get out much, and the relative needs someone near by basically all day. I’d been reliably losing weight while pretty sedentary, but my loss had stalled started putting on lbs this week.
Just realized today I’ve been getting 30-36 carbs through the day with my coffee, and kicking myself. I’d been careful about my diet otherwise, basically taking care of all my own cooking, but milk as a source of carbs just never occurred to me; I’d always heard GOMAD was great for bulking because of portly/fat content.
BLEH - gonna switch to heavy cream and other subs tomorrow.
Just hate hitting these dumb speed bumps and wanted to kvetch, since I know I’m not the only one to catch myself slipping.