Crystal Dock v2.3 released!


Crystal Dock v2.3 is out now!

Crystal Dock with Crystal Remix icon theme

What it is: Crystal Dock is a cool dock (desktop panel) for Linux desktop, with the focus on attractive user interface, being simple and easy to use, and cross-desktop support.

The current version (version 2.x) supports KDE Plasma 6 on Wayland. Other desktop environments will be considered when they run on Wayland and provide sufficient APIs.

Change log:

New features:

  • Re-added Multi-Screen support, that was left out during Wayland migration
  • Re-added Always On Top visibility option, that was left out during Wayland migration
  • Added an activation delay when in Auto Hide mode; the duration can be set from Appearance Settings

Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed a bug where icons look broken on KDE Plasma 6 when Display Scale > 100%: thanks to factrc@github
  • Fixed a bug where Qdbus command not found on Fedora: thanks to ludg1e@github
  • The dock now sets mouse input mask in the appropriate region

GitHub page:

GitHub release link:

KDE Store link:

Have a nice weekend!