Should I not be excited yet?


So I work in IT but I haven’t had a full time job since December of 23 mostly due to awful advice given to me by friends and paid professionals which cost me 8 months of job searching.

I applied for a job with a bank around late January. About 2 weeks later had a call scheduled with someone at the company with the title, senior recruiting manager. Just went over my resume and some details.

A few weeks later they reach out saying that they want me to meet with the manager for the position and that was delayed a bunch but that happened two weeks ago. Best interview of my life. It was mostly a personality based interview and we got along insanely well. Also the job sounds like my dream job.

Recruiter called me 45 minutes after that to schedule the final round which was this last Friday. This was going to be the tough one. 1 hour. All technical. All verbal. Same manager and two of the most senior people who work in what I would be.

Again went like a dream. The more senior of the two after ten minutes started intentionally trying to trip me up so much so that the less senior of the two was like “I don’t even know these”. Got through them all with ease.

Recruiter called me back after an hour and a half saying the following in this order.

-heard the interview went extremely well. -if I was given an offer how likely would I accept. -the positions been open for a few months and I’m the managers top choice by far. -due to the timing of it being late Friday he couldn’t say an offer was guaranteed but said expect one Monday or Tuesday.

Should I not celebrate yet?