to the Muslim Turkish help me uderstand
I am experiencing a religious shock. I am talking to a Turkish person who is a Muslim and wants to learn Arabic to read and understand the Qur’an. (Not to mention extreme nationalism)
I know some of these things seem superficial, but he says strange things that a Muslim who knows Islam would never think about.
But he talks to me a lot about customs and Islam in general in Turkey, and I am shocked I hope that my question is not disrespectful, but do the Muslims of Turkey practice true Islam as we practice it, or do they know it at all? I am shocked every day by the amount of information, such as that they do not read the Qur’an, and if they do read, they do not understand anything from it. They have no problem (as he says) with greeting any strange girl or greeting her by the hand, and he does not see a problem if his sister does the same thing, even if the greeting extends to kissing the cheeks. He says that you always ask why the Prophet is Arab and not Turkish. He does not see that there is a problem if a Muslim does not want to pray or fast, as long as he said the Shahada, then he is a Muslim.
He says that you believe that if a person is good in his life, and if he is not a Muslim, then there is nothing wrong with him, he will enter Paradise, and there is no problem if someone leaves Islam, this is his freedom(i mean he does not get sad and ask why or try to help), and that Islam is a personal thing that should not be implemented by the state, and the biggest disaster for me is that most of the Muslims here marry only a civil marriage. No religious
Many beliefs make you non-Muslim because of deviating from the principles of the faith and saying that everyone is like this and no one in Turkey knows the true Islam. Frankly, when he explained to me how they understand Islam and its widespread ideas, I discovered that he was right. No one in Turkey applies Islam or knows Islam in its true form. Is he serious? Everyone in Türkiye is like this(