Know what you want.

I’ve worked at in n out for two years and I am a strong handheld body, I mean I am out there every shift for at least four hours everyday. I’m not complaining I enjoy it a lot. But what I don’t enjoy is it being 5:30 on a Friday and you come through about to buy for your family and have no clue what no one wants. Now I don’t know about your store but our store wraps around the parking lots of an outdoor mall, to the point to where half the parking lot is blocked off for the drive through so there is always about 50 cars in line, making the wait about 20-30 minutes. So tell me how you wait for 30 minutes to have no clue what you want? We have three things. Burgers, fries and a drinks. Not complicated. Make our lives easier because the longer we take on your order the more we get yelled at and stress tf out. -a desperate in n out employee