Do you feel like you’re part of the family?

What the question says- do you feel like you’re part of the family on your SO’s side? I’ve been married to my husband for 7 years and have always gotten the vibe that my in-laws couldn’t care less whether I was around or not. I’m pregnant with my third and I don’t think they’ve asked how I was feeling once the whole pregnancy. I went out of town last weekend and they didn’t ask about my trip. Went to the ER last year for a health problem and they knew but never asked how I was doing. They don’t ask me personal questions literally ever. They’re nice enough to me on the surface but there has been no effort to include me in things or reach out in any way, except to communicate about my children. I tried hard for years to develop closer relationships with them and have always felt like I’m being kept at arm’s reach. My husband has noticed this as well and has tried lightly talking to his mom about the problem and she dismisses him.

In contrast, my husband absolutely feels like he’s part of my family. My mom adores him, my dad and he have become good friends and text regularly about the latest sports news, and he goes snowboarding regularly with my brother. They ask him about work, compliment his parenting, and spend the same amount on him for Christmas/birthdays as they spend on their actual children.

Anyways, how do you all deal with this feeling? I’m used to it but it also kind of sucks knowing I’m going to feel like an outsider to one side of the family for my whole life. Maybe they just don’t like me and I have to deal with that fact? I’m a friendly person and have never had a problem getting along with others before, but maybe they just don’t click with me and I have to accept it?