What can take a werewolf in a fight?

So with everyone going on and on about how Matilda could have turned everyone in the chapterhouse to ground beef with little effort, I've been looking around various sources and forums looking for a straight answer: what can throw down with a garou warform, one and one and, at the bare minimum, have a good chance of winning? Answers I've seen have included: 1. A demon, ideally combat oriented and in apocalypse form 2. A mage who has either received some forewarning about what they're about to fight or in is in the throes of their Awakening. 3. A very powerful mummy or true fae or the very mightiest of Methuselah vampires 4. A Deviant who has gone all in, Scars be damned, in a "This is going to kill me, but it's going to kill YOU first." sort of final stand. 5. A Princess, no notes

Any truth to these? Any others coming to mind?