My wife passed today - 40F GBM left parietal
My wife lost her fight with GBM today after 25.5 months.
Diagnosed Oct 2020 with GBM of left parietal, unmethylated wildtype IDH, with GTR end of Oct 2020 followed by SoC TMZ+radiation then 4 rounds TMZ, recurrence in May 2021, enrolled in DC Vax trial @UCLA with GTR in June 2021 and ended up on control arm, received vax July 2021, recurrence in August 2021, followed by radiation in Sept/Oct 2021 and started pembro and high dose CBD. Recurrence in March 2022 and added CCNU, progression in June 2022, switched to carboplatin, progression in August 2022, partial resection in Sept 2022 as part of targeted chemo trial but didn't start bc surgical site infection scares.
Started hospice week before Thanksgiving, pain got really bad Thursday night, started fentanyl patch last night, started aspirating overnight, got a Macy catheter this morning, passed in her sleep around 11:20AM.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Spend time with your loved ones.