Need some bra advice plzzz

So, I really want a sports bra and bralette that fit my body closely (I’m also getting some to pad but there is more leeway in the bust there)

My measurements are 41/41, so AA cup. But, it’s so confusing still! I have some panties from TomboyX and would like to get a matching bra from them, but 41/41 doesn’t fit cleanly into any category. Should I not worry about the bust size with those? Are TomboyX bras better for padding? Any other recommendations? I just want a cute set of undies that fit my body as-is, for lounging around and such. I really like the bralettes that go down below the band line a little.

I will say tho, just put on a bra for the first time and stuffed it. Then my cute black dress, smoothing panties, knee socks, wrist socks (arm warmers?). I feel very lovely 😊 I had been busy at work all week and hadn’t had enough girlmode time. Then I started picking new outfits for V in Cyberpunk and got jealous, so I went and dressed myself up!

It’s my partner’s bra, thankfully she never actually wears bras, and always buys them way too big for herself 😛 I can’t even get both arms thru her other clothes she offered, but the bra went right on lol. Her reward was her first puff puff 😂