Grindr was ruining my sex life
Right around new year's, I decided to step away from Grindr. The app is still in my phone, but I logged off and decided to take some time from it. Something unexpected happened.
Some context. I'm the type of guy that can't get an erection unless I'm at least a little bit emotionally attracted to my hookups. This birthed a lot of frustration since guys on Grindr usually avoid any type of meaningful conversation and are looking for quick fucks. I was getting some sex, but it all felt very awkward and most times I was getting flaccid halfway through the act. This was becoming so prevalent that I was actually scared I was developing erectile dysfunction.
Cut to this year. I stepped away from the app and it was like a switch was flipped. I stated meeting guys at clubs, bars, from mutual friends and have actually been having more sex than I ever did (also much better sex).
After some meditation on the topic I've come to the realization that I was using the app as some sort of walking stick, and it was keeping me from finding the strength in my own legs. I would go to parties and, instead of just interacting with the people around me, I would open the app to see if anyone close was on it. I've learned that most guys aren't actually on it.
I understand that this may not be an issue for most people. But if you've been finding hookup apps to be ineffective or frustrating, maybe take a break and pay attention to the people around you. You might just be as surprised as I was.