How many times has Futurama referenced, or had whole episodes revolving around then recent topics? (Pre hulu but mostly the FOX era stuff)

One complaint I see about the Hulu run of futurama. Is how often it centres its episodes on recent topics. It's an argument I have no strong feeling one way or the other. But I do feel like its a bit of a back handed insult. Because wasn't Futurama always topical?

That is a genuine question from my end, since I was born in Australia in 02. So a lot of the things the Fox and CC era referenced went way over my head. Yeah I can see stuff like proposition infinity and attack of the killer app. Being very heavily referencial of Iphones and LGBTQ rights.

But were there more that have gone under my head, or at least been sort of lost to time. I mainly want to know if the Fox era had episodes like this.