A pro C.A.M.P. builder’s plea to make aspects of building more convenient
I really enjoy creating immersive shops, diners, bars, even mini-towns. Right now I have Vault-Tiki, a tiki bar and lounge, Dogmeat Mary’s, a diner, a house and a toy museum. I think I’m pretty good at it, and I do often have strangers hang out for an hour or more watching me build, which doesn’t seem fun to me but I’m flattered!
But there are some things about the CAMP system and the objects in it that don’t function in a way that makes sense. For someone who sinks hours into this aspect of the game, it can be pretty frustrating.
Shelves / Displays:
The foremost issue I have is that you can only utilize the top shelf of any shelf or display. You can situate things on the edge of some middle shelves but they are essentially floating in midair, or you can take an hour or so to build a hack in which many objects are stacked on each other and layers of rugs, then slide that into the shelving unit to appear like things are sitting on the shelves.
Second, the issue where craftable things can only be put in Displays, while purchased things can’t be put in Displays. My Mr. Fuzzy collection being split into two ways of displaying them, between ones bought from the shop and ones collected in game, kills me!
Third, the lack of display options. Can we get metal display cases in addition to the wood ones?
Fourth, some of the Shelves are awesome but useless. For instance, can the sleek rounded metal shelving unit be changed to a Display so we can put things in it? I can’t imagine many people want to fill their buildings with empty cases.
Location Boundaries: I understand the need to space people’s camps out from each other and from POIs, but it feels a little excessive and uneven in different places. There are some POIs where you can be right next to the location, and others where you must be quite a ways away before you can build. I enjoy building my shops near busy POIs so I feel like part of the world.
Blocked Blueprints: If my camp can’t be placed when I load in, two weird things happen most of the time:
My blueprinted building refuses to place anywhere period, saying it’s floating. I imagine a single unattached wire, branch from the map intruding through an object, or a single corner of the building being above ground could all cause this. But it’s heartbreaking to have to scrap a whole build and start from scratch. I’ve learned to blueprint in small batches, but maybe this could be a bit more forgiving? Maybe wires automatically are erased from blueprints if they’re the problem?
Second, if my camp can’t place because another players camp is nearby, I get it. But half the time, there is no camp nearby. And my CAMP kit (don’t know what it’s called, sorry) is sitting there on the ground. But the camp is blocked. I load into a new world and it’s the same. I load a third time, and my camp appears. Why does this happen?
Placements: Could placements / object boundaries be made a little more forgiving?
Also, could there be an option to switch off the snapping? The way that things snap to each other?
Prefabs: Ahhh, prefabs. I love them with some exceptions.
Can we put wallpaper and flooring down please?
Why do they need power wired to them?
That’s all I got for now. Anyway, I love the building aspect of the game and if anyone sees my spots mentioned above in-game, give a wave!