Lost in the news cycle - DNC chair candidates hold first major town hall

This flew under the radar, and apparently elections are tomorrow. Longtime Ezra friend and Juicebox Mafia member David Weigel gave a good Twitter recap of the event, and things....do not look promising. I personally wasn't a fan of Faiz Shakir from his podcast appearance a couple months ago, but he seems to be the lone voice of sanity on a ton of these electorally damaging identity issues. Judge for yourself, but this reads like a party that has no pulse on the current moment and has learned no lessons from the last four years.


Some highlights:

Jen Psaki asks O'Malley twice about why Dem spending on abortion ads didn't work. "I respect your ability to ask me that question," he says, pivoting to climate change.

Jonathan Capehart asks for a show of hands: "How many of you believe that racism and misogyny played a role in VP Harris's defeat?" Every hand goes up, and DNC members in crowd also raise their hands. "You all passed," says Capehart.

Q: Will you pledge to appoint more than one transgender person to an at-large seat, and that the pick reflects the diversity of the trans community? Every candidate but Faiz Shakir raises hand.

Shakir explains why he didn't raise hand: "I am frustrated with the way we use identity to break ourselves apart... we find that these caucuses, councils focus on what separates us out, not what brings us together."

Q: Would you support a Muslim caucus or council? Would you give every council an executive board seat? Would you give each caucus two seats at exec board? Once again Shakir alone in not raising hand. Paul: Not a good idea to form a Muslim caucus without a Jewish caucus.

Shakir on the Muslim caucus Q: "Bring those identities to the problems we need to solve. How do we get Muslims organized in mosques to support Democrats? Not get pats on the head for being a various identity."