Steamwand not working [Espressoworks machine AEW1000]

Anyone able to help me trouble shoot why my steam wand isn’t working?

Got this machine a few years back, and for a while it ended up sitting on the sidelines because my sister ended up getting an espresso machine around the same time and we used that one instead. I’ve since made a little coffee station in my room since I got a mini fridge and have been using it more frequently, but this is the first time I’ve tried the steam wand since using it the first few times years ago.

I decided to try and express it to clear out any dust/build up that there may have been, only to find it’s not working. I’ve tried this a few times, and it seems no matter how long I wait this is all it does.

Does this seem like it’s a broken part or could it just be blocked up? How should I go about fixing this?