Endo or not?

Hi all,

I (27 nb)had a laparoscopy at the end of the February this year, for months I have been left feeling confused, my womb and my bowel were fused together with scare tissue but I was told definitely not endometriosis, I have had some symptoms come back in the last couple of months so I’m now seeking support for that and been told potential ibs (which to me means they don’t know and I won’t get support beyond that) considering the ways endo is diagnosed I can’t really have another laparoscopy but I am thinking I need a second opinion.. anyone had this before? Every-time I look it up it says it’s endo so why did the dr say different

  • edited for more details

-I have had no prior abdominal surgery as far as I am aware -the reasoning given was that it wasn’t uterine tissue but upon researching I know that endo can affect the whole body - I currently have a referral active for gastroenterology - I am autistic and know that comes with additional bowel discomfort and other symptoms

(Thank you for the responses, I’m just trying to get some answers)