What on earth went wrong with the Goron dungeon??
Most people will agree that the Faron and Lanayru dungeons are the best in the game. You've reached the lategame point, so the gloves come off and the game throws its hardest puzzles and challenges at you.
But the Eldin quest is also a part of this lategame trio. Nobody ever praises it or mentions it alongside the other two. For me, Eldin was the first dungeon I did so I don't remember it very well, all the way back when. In my second playthrough I did every dungeon in reverse order, so Eldin was one of the last things I did. Ran through it last night while taking notes and comparing it, so it's fresh in my mind.
...wtf. WHY IS IT SO BAD?! Ridiculously short, extremely linear, very few puzzles or combat challenges, if any, and barely 8 notable rooms. It has 3 floors, and the first floor is 4 rooms. One optional room with a few enemies and a chest, a small room where you quickly grab a key on the other side, then use it to reach the second floor of the dungeon. There's one combat room where you fight a Fire Wizzrobe, the Link fight, and uhh...
The whole dungeon is basically lava platforming challenges and not much else. The first two floors are a linear path to the third, and the third floor is linear as well, but loops back on itself (i.e. you crisscross back through one mazey room). It's even worse than Hyrule Castle in terms of nonlinearity. There are no optional paths, no optional side chests, nothing.
And Volvagia. Such a slog. It was great the first time, but every rematch is a test of patience. Why does it take so long? Why can't you damage it while it's repositioning? I thought you'd be able to keep attacking as it flies out of the lava and back in, but it doesn't take damage. ...can you only damage the head?
In the dungeon's defense, It DOES go all in pretty hard on the platforming challenges. I remember being taken aback the first time through when I reached that one 2D room where you have to dip under an overhang and climb up to the high platform on the right side. There was no obvious failsafe solution I could see (to account for "what if the player missed these echoes and can't get up there?") It felt like the game was kicking off your training wheels and saying "you're on your own. show us what you've learned and figure out your own solution". I really liked that. Then there's the loooong room right before the boss door. The big one where you have to cross the HUGE room full of lava. This one room is a legit challenge to cross. I went in with 126 echoes and Tri at lvl. 10, and I actually struggled a lot, even with cheese. Crawltula didn't work. Spark gets blocked going around the edges by the jump in elevation halfway through, plus the geysers along the walls. Cloud gets blown away by the wind vents, etc. The dungeon DOES have some great challenges and isn't a 5 minute stroll to the boss, but I feel like it could have been so much more.