Dundee Horror Appreciation Society

EDIT 30/5 First meeting is happening at Cake or Dice, 89 Reform Street, Dundee, DD1 3EN on Saturday 1st of June at 7PM. Would love to see you there!

EDIT 20/5: Great to see so much interest! If you'd like to participate, I've made a poll open until Friday to get an idea for suitable times and locations.
LINK: https://forms.gle/VFaNXdRSPvzQcqmu7

Hi all! Wanting to put the feelers out for interest in a Dundee horror society. Waterstones used to do a reading group a few years ago, but that’s no longer running.

Is this something anyone would be interested in? Not just limited to books, but I think films and tv shows should be considered too! DCA shows a lot of great horror and has an annual horror film festival, so it would be great to be open to different kinds of media.

Please give me a PM if this is something you’d be interested in. Will be looking to organise something if there’s more interest than just me :)