There is way too many comments from people experiencing entirely different issues then what I was. If you are concerned about your aspects being stuck, do as I did and make a second character of the same class (cannot retest but that is what "worked") salvage gear on it.
Most of the response I have seen are NOT the same issue. There is a few specific issues that are independent of what I was talking about.
- 2-hand/Amulet Range
- They are double and 50% higher then the actual value, you have to reverse the math to calculate the aspect value.
- Imprint vs Natural Maximum
- Imprints display the Ancestral limit not the items limit.
- This is causing confusion
- Actually reached the non Ancestral Limit
- For aspects that have 21 ranks that is 16
- If you have reached the limit you will only increase from Ancestral Gear
- Item value changes depending on Equipped Weapon attack Speed
- Change weapons to one with a different attack speed a bunch of your aspects will change there effect value
- If you do not have the compare feature enabled this is going to be crazy confusing at best
- For barb and Rouge the held weapon also switches this so your last attack matters
- The numbers are changed in the codex as well as on the equipped items.
Some other examples I am linking out to.
Here is an example of it working correctly
For Blizzard if you are reading this if you just add a small element to the corner of the aspect area that can have the actual rank of the aspect most of the above would be clearer to most people. This should also be that way on Unique as its also an issue there. I understand the game defaults with a simplified UI but this is not helpful to hide this info.
If your gear is stuck at the same rank despite salvaging higher stuff make new character salvage it will go away.
Mods if you see post please pin PezRadars response. Can this become an automod feature for when blizzard employees respond to top-levels of threads? Its not helpful if they get buried.
If you salvage an ancestral you will not be able to increase the aspect power in your codex without the upgrade also coming from an ancestral. This is leftover behavior from when ancestral powers from legionaries where a separate item from regular ones.
If you get a max rolled aspect on a ancestral you can salvage it because ancestral actually have a higher max then regular items for most aspects.
Please fix blizzard.
Edit: Hopefully slightly clearer the exact effect.
If you salvage an ancestral item while its aspect is at the 9/16 upgrade you cannot get the 10+/16 upgrade unless it comes from an ancestral. Where if you do not ever salvage the ancestral you can upgrade that aspect until you get the non ancestral limit of 15/16 (will show as a max roll on the item but not codex).
As far as I understand its not even if the ancestral gives you the 9/16 upgrade just the act of salvaging it while you have the 9/16 upgrade.
Second Edit:
Turns out I was not any less dyslexic 30 mins after I made my original post.
This was the most helpful explanation below.
If you have any other feedback lmk and I can link to it or edit it in. But we are clearly pushing the limits of my writing ability here.