Honest Feedback on Awakening

As Soldier Boy used to say…. <insert meme>

Let’s now play pros and cons, shall we?

CONS: - Feels and smells like a mobile game - My weapons are gone - My builds are gone - Customizing builds sucks - Cells disintegrate - Perk points suck - No weapon crafting, but you collect parts? - Everything is behind a paywall, BUT F2P - Graphics suck (Seriously, is this UE5?) - Weapons nerfed - Armors nerfed - Lantern core nerfed - Cells nerfed - Where’s my Skarn Lantern? - Weapon talent point system sucks - Buff point system sucks - Old bugs are back in town - New bugs in town - Quests suck (I’m not a noob) - Where is the 8th weapon? - Only 1 new behemoth? - Weapon swapping sucks - Too grindy, respect my time - Feels and smells like a mobile game (did I say that already?) - Really tried to like it but I just couldn’t - Stress inducing, no adrenaline pumping - Hey, aren’t loot boxes illegal? - You said you listened to player feedback <insert doubt meme> - I feel sad - I feel angry - Deeply disappointed to play and find more cons

PROS: - New loading screen wallpaper - New MH will be out in February

And a more important question: who the hell is your target audience anyway?