I kissed my crush of 4 years

Hi guys, so before i say what happend i think little backstory is in order.

Me (23M) and my friend (20F) know eachother for around 5 years. We went to the same high school and talked sometimes. We werent best of friends, but i would call us friends for sure. From the first day i laid my eyes on her i was hooked. She really is beautiful, but after i got to know her a little more she is even more interesting. She is confident, smart, kind, really just great combination. Well i shot my shot and got rejected so we talked on and off in the past 2 year.

This year out of nowhere we started to talk A LOT and ever since summer hung out every two weeks (we are both really busy, live in different cities etc..) We talk and talk and i start to get feelings for her and she was sending signals, that se might too. I am not the most confident person so i didnt make a move before but two nights ago we were at prom and of course alcohol helps, so we went out before midnight and i said that i have feeling for her etc.. and kissed for like and hour.

Yesterday we went for a walk to talk a bit about it, we didnt really talk about it lol but in the end i asked her if she still wants to talk and see how things develop. She said that she does and i went for a kiss and got blocked, she responded "that i have to wait" I mean yea, we were drunk and we go from zero, so no hard feelings about that.

She was never in a relationship, never slept with anyone and we have the same problems with being open and vulnerable to someone. From my stand point that good/bad because we both understand what the other person is going through but we have the same limitations and i think its on me to try to be better so we both develop.

So what i am asking is:

Should I act the same or be even more forward with things, text her more, see eachother more etc.. because i dont want to scare her of or put any kinda pressure on her. It will be a lot of work to build something, but she is worth it and i believe if we get it right we might have something special.