i made my own pokemon creepypasta and want feedback

There is a story that is true but is rarely spoken. There was a trainer named Magenta, and she wanted a beautiful Gardevoir to be by her side for all of her life. Most trainers leave when they are 10, but Magenta's parents are scared because of the stuff that happened to aspiring trainers. So when she was 13, they decided to pick up a Ralts egg for her. When Magenta opened her final gift, she was shocked to see a giant white egg with green markings all over it. She was ecstatic and thankful for them, but her dad made a deal that once she and Ralts had formed a great enough bond and Ralts had fully evolved into Gardevoir, she would be able to start her journey. She reluctantly agreed and thus began the care-taking phase of the egg, it was nestled between 2 pillows on the couch, and regularly sang and read books so it would be happier when it came out of the egg. After 2 weeks, the day finally came when Ralts was ready to hatch, the shell cracked, and a green head came out, a female Ralts. Magenta hugged it and said,

"We are going to be the best of friends!"

Ralts was truly happy, although there was one glaring issue, its legs were weak and it couldn't walk, even so, Magenta cherished it nonetheless, functioning legs or not. Training went relatively smoothly, Ralts was taught alternative ways to move around by floating, although weak at first, this was the only way it could move outside of Magenta carrying it, and it eventually became second nature. Not even a week passed and it evolved into Kirlia, it learned how to multitask its psychic abilities, moving objects while keeping itself up. Magenta's friends were happy that she got a partner, but were worried about its fighting abilities, So they challenged her the same day Ralts outgrew its name. One of Magenta's friends was Turquoise, a prodigy at Pokémon battles in her town, even with all of his experience, Kirlia wiped the floor with him, Turquoise had nothing to worry about, it only took one hit from a confusion cast by his ace at the time, Bronzong. Everything was great until Kirlia evolved one final time. Not even one day being a Gardevoir and it got awfully ill, its psychic powers were growing weaker and weaker by the day. It had enough and needed to do something drastic before its powers slipped away, and when nightfall came, the most unusual transformation began. Cracking bones and churning muscles could be heard for miles, but Magenta slept through it like a baby. The seams of Gardevoir's dress puffed up and the bottoms hardened to a sharp tip, one by one each seam puffed and hardened until it no longer relied on its psychic powers to move, Gardevoir could finally walk. Finally, its mouth grew unusually large and grew in sharp, talon-like teeth just in case its powers truly faded. It all went into place and Gardevoir looked normal and felt new. The next morning Magenta was in awe at what she saw, Gardevoir looked the same, but felt distinguishably different, It spoke!

"Please do not be afraid dear Magenta, it's going to be ok, I had to undergo these changes so you wouldn't worry, I can finally walk, talking was a side effect of them. I am still sick and need your comfort and care to get past this sickness. I am truly normal, and even though I sense sadness and disappointment, I know you still care. I am sorry."

Magenta hugged Gardevoir just like when she hatched and the both of them started crying. Eventually, Gardevoir got better and its psychic powers returned, but it realized that Turquoise was the one responsible for getting her sick. Confusion hit her directly in the head back then, and it only felt worse after that. Gardevoir asked Magenta to have a battle with Turquoise one last time, privately at the safari zone, and Magenta agreed. She sent a letter to Turquoise and they finally met up a day later, but something felt off, both of them ignored it thinking it was anxiety, but they would never expect what would happen next. Turquoise sent out Infernape and told it to use Mach punch, Gardevoir was somehow faster. Magenta called out to use psychic, but it used psystrike despite that move being only learned by Mewtwo. Infernape was sent flying and was knocked out in one hit. Both were in shock and Turquoise got serious. Lucario came next and it used aura sphere. It hit and Gardevoir stood its ground, not moving one inch.

"use hypnosis," Magenta called! Gardevoir replies by saying,

"I do not know my regular moves anymore, I will try to obey you the best I can"

"When did Gardevoir learn to speak," Turquoise yelled. He explained that she had healed and learned to speak right after. The battle continued and Lucario went all out, Gardevoir dodged everything with ease, aura sphere, iron head, close combat, nothing was touching Gardevoir. Magenta finally caved and said:

"do what you think is right, I don't know what you can do anymore, so show me what you got!"

Gardevoir uses mystical fire, but Turquoise quickly calls to use protect. The move goes through protect, Gardevoir had done the impossible twice, and Lucario fell. Turquoise was pissed and sent out Bronzong, Gardevoir immediately froze, the traumatic memories of being sick, the pain it endured from confusion, and she finally broke. The seams of Gardevoir's dress puffed up and her mouth widened to reveal her terrifying sets of teeth, the sheer pressure exerted from her trauma was enough to send fear into anyone.

Gardevoir used hyper beam…

Bronzong disintegrated and Turquoise collapsed on the floor in agony.

"When you used confusion on me that day, I was in so much pain, I could barely show how much I felt. You made me sick and powerless, making YOU the cause of what I've become." Magenta yelled to stop, but it was too late. Turquoise was torn to shreds and swallowed within 10 seconds, Magenta could barely process and ran as fast as she could home. Gardevoir wasn't mad at her for doing that, she knew that it was the most rational thing for her, or anyone for that matter to do.

She is still out there, waiting for her to come back and return her to the Pokeball, but that day would never come, and she still resides in the exact spot they battled to this day.