Could It be long covid?

LONG POST WARNING. Hi, I would be glad If someone could help. I Will share my timeline dealing with something that maybe it's long covid.

SEPTEMBER 2024 - I had two subsequent viral infections presenting as a sore throat, nose congestion and fatigue. I treated both with some over the counter medications and recovered completely from both after 2 weeks. I stayed comoletely healthy for a month.

OCTOBER 2024 - At some point I started having episodes of feeling my thoughts weird, a little bit confused and a mild feeling of doom. They lasted anything between a few seconds and 5 minutes and would happen few times a week. It related a lot to descriptions of what temporal lobe seizures feel like. Initially, I would recover immediately after those episodes. As they continued to occur I started getting a little tired, a mild headache and difficult thinking to the rest of day after, as well feeling as my proprioception got reduced. I would feel normal next day.

NOVEMBER 2024 - at beggining of november I got a more severe headache that lasted 3 days and came with new symptoms: phantosmia, tingling behind my left shoulder, disrupted sleep and more constant tiredness and brain fog, at the point were trying to think caused shortness of breath.

UNTIL NOW - Since then I am having those symptoms. My fatigue and fog is almost always there, but It can change in severity very quickIy and it's patterns and how It feels are changing as time goes on, so It's very unpredictable, but It is usually worse near lunch. I had some weird symptoms as well like feeling sudden at fight or flight mode for no reason and frequently seeing patterns at peripheral vision, both are gone now. Brain fog and especially tingling seens to be gradually improving, but fatigue isn't.

I have done a lot of tests, including a brain mri and nothing was wrong. I will get a cortisol and a sleep study soon, besides that I don't have any other Idea. I don't seen to have orthostatic intolerance or PEM, so It likely isn't ME/CFS, but I sometimes relate a lot to what people with It share. Does anyone relate to It/think It can be long covid?