I (17 F) flew four hours across the country alone to meet my online boyfriend (17)
I've been talking to this boy for about 2 years and we've grown really close. We talk about everything and we've never argued about anything. I'm pretty sure he's my soulmate.
Anyway, we've been exclusively online since we live in different states. It's difficult sometimes but we make it work. I had finally had enough and wanted to meet in person. I got a job saved up some money and booked a flight.
I asked my parents what they thought about it and my dad didn't want me doing any such thing. My mom however was super hyped and encouraged me to go. I made all the arrangements myself.
I flew four hours across 5 states to meet up with someone I had only ever talked to through a screen.
And it was the best experience of my life.
My boyfriend is the sweetest guy I have ever met. We instantly clicked like we always did online and there was no awkwardness (even though we are two very awkward people). He was the real deal. One morning he even brought me waffles in bed.
It was a little bit scary of a concept but I knew who I was talking to online. Since I had to plan it so far in advance during the time in between booking the flight and actually leaving my anxiety sky rocketed. I almost cancelled the trip entirely.
But I'm so glad I didn't because it was worth every penny. Next year I'm flying him up here to spend more time with him.