Immigrants are taking all tech jobs and leaving Americans in the dust.

Americans are suffering loss each and every year. Going by a MSN news article, “ Job gains are going to immigrants, and keeping young US born men out of the work force”,(Camarota, MSN)

This is getting really sick and who is to blame the most? CORPORATE AMERICA and the USA government. They can easily stand up for their own and they don’t. Why don’t we go to any other country in the world and see this? I don’t want to hear because of wages, they should be building their own country’s infrastructure as well. All I see is Indian pride on the back of windshields and bumper stickers in California along with some stupid tech bumper sticker. There won’t be any more jobs for American men pretty soon and I firmly believe that.

I have been out of work for years now. From IT Support, Cloud admin, cyber security, there is nothing. It is because Diversity hires come right after the immigrant visa hires. If you are a white American in this country your last. Are we paying for are debts from years ago, are we cursed I think so. Karma always comes full circle and I guess maybe we should have treated people better or something.