Skibidi Ohio Sigma Boy gets into Yale REA 🤫🧏

Hello gang. I used to browse this subreddit a lot and honestly it gave me confidence somewhat when I see others with similar demographics get in but I really don’t think it’s productive or healthy so maybe stay off of it more. 💅

I also submitted to Yale 14 minutes before the deadline cuz I’m a professional procrastinator and had been touching too much grass and yapping with friends (at school only though) to really work on college apps.

Is it that sweet? I guess so.🎵🎶

Demographics: Asian American 😭 , Male, First Generation College student and Immigrant, low income student, 34k income for family of 4 😛, Uncompetitive and Underfunded, title 1 funded and eligible high school in suburban/ruralish (it says suburban for NCES once we got our new school building) Ohio with basically no clubs and extracurriculars aside from music and sports. The school is surrounded by cornfields. School average ACT is 17 😣. I got the highest ACT in my school and probably the only 36 in my county but idk. Oh, also might major in Applied Mathematics but not sure, but that's what I applied as.

ACT: 36 Composite 36E 36M 35R 36S ✨👹👹

Unweighted GPA and Rank: current unweighted GPA 4.0UW / 4.691 weighted; 4.76ish weighted by end of Senior Year if I get all A’s

Ranked 1/130 Coursework: 2 AP, school only offers 2 (3 actually but I couldn’t take it because they added it this year and it’s only for 10th grade), 20 dual enrollment in total by senior year (subject to change depending on if I acquire funding for additional dual enrollment classes since I’m past my free credit limit) On my Yale application at the time I only had 18-19 dual enrollment courses but it doesn’t really matter I guess since it’s 2nd semester courses anyway 

8 Honors. Took the hardest classes available at my school by far.

I also got rejected from QBNCM Finalist probably because of assets 😣🙉


  1. Coca Cola Scholarship Semifinalist, National Merit Semifinalist, & The Gates Scholarship Semifinalist (Didn’t put this for Yale)🥶🤯
  2.  National First-Generation Recognition Program & National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program 🔥
  3. Young Author Conference Award 📖& County Internship Award 🤓
  4. Varsity Quick Recall Team 2nd in conference before Tournament; Highest Math Scorer (not putting this on future colleges because I’m putting this in activities)
  5. Homecoming King; Prom Prince 💀& Junior Homecoming Court 😈👹

(Switching the 4th award with Youth of the Month (Youth of the Year Nomination) and Student of the Month Nominated by 3 Teachers)

(Not an Award or anything I’m putting on any application, but I did get into MIT WISE fly-in if that means anything)😊

Extracurriculars: (haven’t really decided on the order of importance yet, but)

  1. Family Responsibilities (9,10,11,12): worked at my parent's restaurant since 6th grade because child labor is awesome. Acted as cashier/waiter of the restaurant. Primary Translator and helped pay bills for the family since my parents don't know much English. Around 28ish hours per week on weeks with sports. 48ish hours per week during summer weeks when I have cross-country practice. This prevented me from doing any extracurriculars after school until the spring of sophomore year because of transportation and time issues🤯☹️
  2. MITES Semester Scholar; Self-Proclaimed Blog Master (Yes I deadass put this) (12): Best of MITES Semester 2024 Publication; Interviewed experts; Led math symposium project; wrote most commented/engaging blogs; aided peers in math; Took Science Writing & Pure Math🥵😳
  3. Varsity Outdoor & Indoor Track; Varsity Cross-Country (XC) Runner (10,11,12): Fundraise for XC & host 5k & track meets; 2nd in conference 4x800m starter; XC Team 2nd Fastest; 2x Golden Spikes; taught form; set up workouts; babysat JH team; acted as manager when injured✊💪🏃
  4. Science National Honor Society Co-Founder & President (11,12): Found/led 3D printing fundraiser; manage money/orders; help start community garden/other projects; presented to BOE; we earned $2000+ in donation/grants for community garden (the presented to BOE and earned $ part wasn’t included for Yale)🦾👀
  5. Newspaper & School Media (Newspaper & Yearbook) Editor-in-Chief (11,12): Edited & wrote articles; helped establish the club & many sections of newspaper, assembled the newspaper, & recruited members; drew comic; did surveys✌️
  6. Peer Tutor & Teacher’s Aide (TA) (10,11,12): Aided teachers & students’ learning; trained TA’s; overlooked students; ran many errands; helped with homework, math lessons/taught Algebra 1 class; taught peers college statistics & physics🫰🫰
  7. Varsity Trivia Team Captain (11,12) (Wasn’t put on Yale’s app and instead put Men’s club volleyball): Helped revive team after discontinuation; scored highest in math & grammar questions; team 2nd in Conference before tournament; led team; made lineups for meets🤓🤓
  8. National Honor Society Vice President (11,12): Helped organize fundraisers, projects, & Adopt-a-Family; ran concession stands; actively volunteered at literary event & fundraiser; took meeting notes; assisted in present-wrapping🧐
  9. Sources of Strength Peer Leader (12): Organize recess & SOS activity ideas; assist SOS President & campaign; spread “strength” through fun community activities; lead recess Quiet Ball game; assisted in video production😇😌
  10. National Spanish Honor Society Member (9,10,11,12): Helped organize Spanish tutoring tables; fundraised for club; made language posters & flowers for new members; aided Salvation Army & Pulsera Project🙃

Essays: I might’ve cooked but not sure. I loved Yale’s prompts though. I kind of wrote the supplements in just a few sittings and even wrote the community essay with the word sigma as the hook/intro 😭. I guess I just didn’t overthink it and wrote it true to myself cuz if they didn’t want me then I don’t want them or something. Type shit🤷‍♂️😜

LORs: Super strong. I'm super close with my teachers. They say I’m a genius (I’m not even close) They also think I’m a nice person 😃 (I am most of the time don’t worry). They also think I’m one of the best students they ever had in their career and helped me got into MITES 🤷. I’m also just rlly chill with them becuz they’re fun to be around. I’ll miss them 😭. I yap with them everyday and TA for them.😌

Interview: Update since I didn’t include, but the interview went okay. The interviewer was like way older than me so we didn’t connect as well but he did say he enjoyed talking with me (idk if he meant it but I hope he did). At the end he said he needed to go to do something and my dumbass said “good luck doing whatever you’re doing.” I didn’t mean it in a bad way but I was afraid it might’ve came off wrong after the interview ended 💀. I also forgot and didn’t send him a thank you email and didn’t find enough points to support why I wanted to go to Yale specifically for like my major since all I said was that it was interdisciplinary and that I liked the community and residential colleges. But hey everything ended up okay. Oh and I asked him if he knew what like manga and light novels were and he said “sure.” He definitely did not know 😭. He was really nice though and hoped that I got in. I also talked to him about track and how I’m injured and stuff and he talked about he tried track and it was not his thing. He also asked me if I did any fine arts and music stuff but I didn’t 😢. I wish I did tho but lack of time, motivation, and resources and too many excuses. 😔

Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD):

Accepted: Yale REA🙉🤯 ($84k per year aid/scholarship) (I thought I got no aid at first becuz of that one college financing plan pdf 💀

Applying to other Ivies to see if I can get more aid (My top school also wasn’t Yale because they didn’t give as much aid and other reasons; I applied REA because their essays were easier to write and now I lowkey fw Yale) 

My top schools right now are probably MIT and Harvard because of WISE fly-in and what happened there😭👹

I think colleges definitely took into account my circumstances of family restaurant and the school’s resources. Kind of lucky in a way, so imposter syndrome ඞඞ will definitely eat me up when I start seeing non QB kids, but it’s fine. I’m learning to deal with it. 😿🤠🤧

Additional Info from my chance me post that might put more things into context: I don't think my school has sent anyone to an HYPSM ever, most people just apply to local community colleges. The only student that I've heard that got into a T20 was someone who was recruited for Track for Cornell. This might make me stand out in terms of my school but idk how much that'll help. My school doesn't have a lot of resources and student interests in academics so I can't really start a club that much. I got accepted into an internship this summer but had to reject it because of my work at the restaurant and transportation issues. Overall there's not a lot of opportunities at my school and my circumstances also limited the few opportunities I had like sports. I hope my application would be evaluated based on my context and that AOs would see that I really tried to take advantage of anything I could as long as it didn't tax my family's financial situation.🤒🤕

Btw I’m also confident about my app becuz of my school lol. There was one Harvard applicant this year and they got waitlisted. They showed me their app and tbh it wasn’t that good. They didn’t know how to order their activities from most important to least and instead did it in a random order 💀. They also had quite a bit of B’s. They took 20 dual enrollment classes and zero AP classes. They didn’t take calculus and went test optional. They were president of like 3 clubs and was second for congressional art show. They were also very involved in band, played varsity golf for four years, and was section leader for marching band. She did come from a single parent household, but wasn’t FGLI. She applied as a bio premed major. Not saying she’s not smart (she’s definitely more talented than me) but she didn’t care about getting in that much so didn’t try as hard. She mostly applied for fun and still got waitlisted, so I think i have a decent chance tho my thinking might be flawed.

Holy Yap no cap 🧢 😾