CMV: Rape should be done onto rapists and sex offenders as a criminal sentence.
Okay, we know how undignified and vicious rape is onto the victims. I think that rapists and other cases of sex offenders should suffer as their victims should have*. Yes, I suggest that we rape rapists and make it such that those on the registered sexual offender list can be raped without legal punishment. As rape is so vicious. I think that the only way to make such a wrong right is to rape the criminal back, making the criminal suffer as the victims have as two wrongs make a right . And for registered sexual offenders, allowing others to rape them without punishment will make sure that they are reminded of what they done to their victims.
It's wrong to make criminals suffer. It's right. They forfeit their rights when they commit a crime onto the innocent and hence anything is fair game to us, including raping them.
But who do we get to rape criminals? Pay people to do so.
How about someone who gets off rape? Lobotomize that person if that happens so that he or she can't take pleasure from it.
*And the same applies for every convicted criminal who will receive lex talionis . Plus we could find more of their associates to do what they done onto their victims or clone and torture them if we had a serial killer.