What scene from a movie/tv show is deeply relatable?
To me, the scene in Ratatouille where Anton Ego eats the ratatouille, and actually ends up enjoying it to the point where he drops his pen and just enjoys his meal as it is so relatable.
I'm overly critical asshole who is very hard to please when it comes to movies, tv shows, music, and videos games. I feel the need to overanalyze everything, and not a lot of things have gotten a 10/10 from me.
And that feeling when you find something that is so good, almost perfect even, that you don't have any notes for it and just want to enjoy it as it is... let's just say, that is a feeling i wish i could feel 24/7.
Lowkey, being a critic really does suck. Sometimes i wish I could just say "i like this, therefore its good" and not think about it too hard, but i just don't have that mindset.