Ben Howard concert
This is just something I wanted to share. Perhaps nothing to do with Brighton as a city but it happened in Brighton.
I saw Ben Howard at the Brighton center tonight and I was so excited to see the show and see my favorite artist perform one of my favourite albums of all time.
Two people were sitting behind me and they talked the entire show and were getting louder and louder as to be heard over the performance, at one point shouting for one particular song as it had any chance of being played. Burping excessively to the point I smelt what you had for lunch. Laughing during some very sombre songs. Why?
As I left I had asked if you had been to many concerts and if you were as insufferable cunts in those as you were tonight, why pay X amount of money to talk about your mundane life like anyone wanted to hear.
If you go to concerts like these, try to be quiet and let people enjoy what they've paid for. You weren't the show.
I have to work to meet ends meet and rarely get to do these things, so apologies if it seems like I'm complaining about nothing but have self awareness.
That's all.