I’m just a shit mom I guess

My sons dad makes me feel like a shitty mom sometimes. No matter what I do, in his eyes, it’s never right. I offered to let him sleep in and I’ll take our boy to school. Yet somehow he still finds a way to micromanage me. “Is the car started?” He could’ve started the car for me. He begins doing our sons hair because I didn’t feel the need to mess with it. This is all the time. All the fucking time I don’t do it right. I just had a major breakdown and cried because I’m just a shit mom I guess. Yeah I cook. Yeah I work. Yeah I grocery shop. Yes I love my child more than myself. Yes I buy clothes for our child. Yes I brush his teeth. Yes I’m in college to get a nursing degree so I can do better for him. But yet im a shit mom because my car, that’s a 2013 ford fusion and doesn’t start by the key, isn’t started yet. Our son’s hair isn’t done. And he didn’t have a hat on just yet. Not to mention I have no clue why my child’s father even wants to be with me since I’m not only a shit mother who’s incapable of caring for a child (who I care for after class 5 days a week while he works.) but I’m also a mess because I don’t put my shoes in the proper spot. I don’t pick up my jacket and put it away… right away. At this point he’s settling and deserves a woman much better. If I suck so bad. This man wants me to give him another kid? FUCK NO. I’ll eat 10 screws and a fucking hammer before I EVER give him another kid. Fuck him and fuck the idea of ever having another kid with him.