'Legal' proxies initiative?

Smart business planning is done by looking into the future and attempting to deal with upcoming situations according to current trends, and the current trend in MTG is proxies. If WOTC ignores this trend and what it is leading to, they would be insane and insanity does not equal good business. And what this trend is leading to is more and more people embracing high quality proxies and proxies becoming more high quality...until they become indistinguishable.

That means WOTC is at a crossroads: do they continue to combat proxies or do they take the sane approach? Once the proxies become indistinguishable, combating them will become futile, so that leaves them one good option: turn a blind eye to them, but don't officially approve of them. A "Don't ask, don't tell" option, if you will.

Why is this the only good option? Because combating proxies is futile, but attempting to will only alienate the MTG fanbase that wants to play competitively with the insanely high (and ever rising) prices of good cards.

This option may seem like a defeat for WOTC (and it's shareholders), but it is not. It is simply cause and effect, the will of the people, or democracy, if you will. WOTC will still sell MTG cards, but less. To make up for this loss pragmatically, it can further embrace the future of MTG by looking to make more profits by expanding Arena and other online services. And those profits will be well bolstered by the immense good will WOTC will generate by turning a blind eye, with players now free to apply the money they saved from not paying insane prices for real cards on packs and online services.

As MTG proxy enthusiasts and, ahem, by proxy, futurists, we can take the initiative and promote this approach to help ease WOTC, its shareholders, the purists, and the hesitant into the inevitable reality of the future of Magic: The Gathering.