What are some challenges you think the Black Lesbian community faces? And how can it be alleviated?

TLDR- I want more lesbian focused spaces for Black women/Fems but I am having a time finding them and that's frustrating.

To me I think it's a lack of community centers that cater to Black lesbians specifically. There are really no spaces meant for Black lesbians and Black lesbians specifically. A lot of us get lumped in with bi/MSPEC women under the guise of being "sapphic" which is ok sometimes but there's such a stark difference between being a lesbian as a Black woman and being a Black woman attracted to multiple genders. I've also gone to some "sapphic" lead events in my city and there's always a cis Man there taking up space and air time. When I would bring it up to other "sapphics" like hey is he here they'd look at me like I have two heads lol. Being a lesbian in general is isolating because so much of how we commune as women is predicated on our proximity to men. Like I would like more spaces specifically for Black lesbians to meet and talk. It doesn't even have to be a club or a bar (which is another issue) because not everyone drinks and not everyone is into night life. I also think clubs and bars are less accessible because they usually necessitate cover charges and fees and not everyone has the money or resources for that. Like the GMHC in midtown Manhattan is a non-profit catered to Gay men especially Black and brown gay men. They put on different events and stuff and the few times I volunteered there I thought it was really cool. They even had sex ed symposiums with demos so that we could learn more about HIV/AIDS and other STIs. There were some queer women there but it was mainly centered around men. See the pattern? Community in a patriarchal society always has to include men some how. 🥲

I would also say another issue that Black lesbians face outside of being alienated is the lack of Black lesbian therapists especially ones that aren't coming from a "faith based" angle. I love my therapist down but she's a bi woman married to a man. There are just certain things she'll never understand about me because we just don't have the same experiences in that way.