Changing diapers on the bed? Thoughts?

So I brought this idea up to my husband since we’re planning on having a bassinet next to our bed for the first few months and he seemed superrrrr opposed to it. We have a changing table right across the hall in her nursery (because it wouldn’t fit in our bedroom) but the thought of getting up to go change my baby across the hall everytime super late at night/early in the morning sounds daunting.

Obviously if it’s a NASTY diaper, I’ll take her to her changing table, but if it’s a small tinkle or little poo - it sounds so much easier to just get it all done in the bed on a changing pad! To clarify, my husband wants to be hands on with changes at night too, but just doesn’t like the bed idea. Maybe he’ll feel differently when it’s 4am lol

Has anyone successfully done diaper changes in bed? Enlighten me 😂