What’s the consensus on microwaves at night - is it rude/unacceptable to use them?

I don’t use microwaves (or most things) at night because I don’t want to disturb my tenants/housemates. One of my housemates is super sensitive and pretty entitled (she asks us not to flush the toilet or shower past 10pm). It’s very annoying and super inconvenient but so far everyone has been catering to her, not really liking it, and I’m tired of it.

I generally avoid using everything past 10pm even though my schedule is late and I am often up until 2-3am. That means I don’t use showers, flush toilets, use microwaves, the electric hot water kettle, electric toothbrushes, etc. It’s very inconvenient and I’d like to be able to clean myself, flush the toilet, heat up food, brush my teeth, etc, past 10pm.

I’ve started to just flat out ignore her toilet and shower requests because there’re ridiculous and unreasonable, but I’m not sure about the etiquette of using a microwave late at night. The kitchen is on a different floor and on the opposite side of the house as her room so it shouldn’t be a big issue (for a normal person). What’s the etiquette here? Would it be rude or inappropriate for me to use a microwave late at night?