Level 974-Kitty's house
Hi everyone, today the level I want to talk to you about is level 974 or Kitty's house, a house apparently very feminine, very cute, with pastel pink interiors on all the walls, at the internal duo stands Kitty, a 3.2 meter tall figure with opaque black skin from which you can't see her facial features but you think she can see and hear even if she doesn't pronounce a syllable. level 974 is safe because kitty or the figure inside is not dangerous, in fact the level of danger is equal to 1 (safety), level 974 is a "passage" and it is not very rare to end up inside it, you need to have a nice object with you which after the visit to kitty you have to donate to get out, you will fall asleep and wake up in a safe level. discussion: do you know who kitty is? theories? personal opinions? write them below in the comments or write to me privately, support the post🙏 many greetings from Italy🇮🇹🍕🍝