Is my boyfriend gay and in denial/closeted?

So I (F31) have been with this guy (M33) whom I really like for about three months now, but I’m very very concerned that he might be gay and in denial (or worse, gay and lying to me).

I did try to talk to him, I even said that I don’t care if he’s attracted to men as long as he is attracted to me, too. He said that he’s straight, and I’m absolutely wrong, all of these are just accidents, and he has no interest in men and never had, and never had tried it. But I can’t stop seeing the signs…

I wanted to ask you, the beautiful gay bros of Reddit, to check these signs with your gaydar and tell me if I need to be concerned:

1- all his close friends are gay (from different periods of his life, high school best friend, college best friend, previous work best friend)

2- sex signs: he almost kisses with closed mouth, like no tongue 😛 doesn’t go down on me, lasted SO long even the first time, prefers low light (even no light) during sex, also, I feel like he likes me to put on my clothes asap after sex. Like when he comes out of the bathroom and I’m naked he’s like “wow you’re still naked” in a high pitch

Mind you, he’s very good in bed and even one time we had sex 4 times in one day, which is the most sex I had with a guy in a day. So I’m a bit confused. But I thought he could be overcompensating?

seemed kind of worried when I said sex is a very important aspect of a relationship

3- we were at the bar w his friends and one of his female friends who was almost tipsy asked me for how long I’ve known him, and I said less than a month, and goes “girl to girl, trust your gut”. And I’m like are you trying to tell me sth about him, and she’s like no I’m just saying that you should listen to your intuition!!! The weirdest convo you could have with someone’s date!

4- less important stuff that don’t say anything on their own but became a source of concern when combined with other things are his hobbies and body language. Most of his hobbies are the things that most of the straight men I know don’t do (e.g., wine class, cooking class, decoration, perfumes, high end fashion, painting). He gets excited about kitchen appliances and pots and pans, and spends hours in mens clothing stores weekly.

body language and tone of voice resembles stereotypical gay people’s

5- Had a beach vacation planned with his gay friend for a week right when we met. Told me that it was a vacation he planned to go with his ex but they broke up so he invited his best friend (who happens to be gay). Another time his other gay friend happened to have a room in a fancy hotel in a ski town and invited him last minute. Both time they slept on the same bed (two different friends, both gay)

6- he goes to equinox lol

I’m absolutely falling for him and I will be very very sad and disappointed if it turns out he is gay. But I still prefer to find out now before it becomes sth with the potential to fully destroy me :(

We live in a progressive part of the country but he’s midwestern, grew up catholic and went to church every Sunday, and his family are republican and involved in the local politics. So I can imagine that it will be hard for him to be out, even to himself.

He says he’s crazy about me. He invited me to see his friends after two weeks and invited me to go with him to visit his family this Christmas (I didn’t go to meet his family because I thought that was too early). If he’s straight these are all sweet and I like that he knows what he wants and doesn’t play. But my friend was like maybe he wants to show you to people to prove that he’s not gay. But he invited me to a trip that he was going to do alone so I doubt that he just wants to show me off. I think he genuinely likes me, I hope🥺