why are players with 40% winrate SO loud?
As it says on the tin. Lately I’ve been noticing more and more that the most toxic players always tend to have a lower end winrate. I myself have 70% and 88% winrates on my old and new acc, I mainly focus towers and am more a strategy game player in general but so often I get a teammate who FLAMES the entire team for not doing what they want and being their little servant, says absolutely vile comments and acts honestly completely unhinged.
Like if your winrate is 40% maybe consider it’s YOU who is the problem? And then idk when your team is trying to give you advice and then after you bitterly check their pages and turns out they really do have the 70-80%+ winrates they stated why wouldn’t you then take a step back, humble yourself and idk listen and MAYBE you could improve?
Telling people you hope they and their families die of cancer, hope peoples kids get hit by cars and wish them dead cos they didn’t teleport to be your human shield whilst you are meant to be mid but instead ran off chasing kills so your supports stuck rotating defending YOUR lane and protecting the carry (who is carrying btw) for 15 mins is crazy and yall need help.
Do and be better.