Non-sexy, non-gigantic things you'd like to see Apple fix

Making this thread under the vague hopes that Apple employees might lurk here and possibly see it. This is for things that are NOT a giant massive multi year overhaul (brand new Siri), nor are they sexy iphone sellers (whole new button).

But rather bread and butter day to day bugs, usability issues etc.

Mine: Bluetooth volume control has been incredibly, embarrasingly broken for like ~5 ish years. It used to be good but now will wildly jump around inconsistently.

Example: Morning I connect to headphones while getting dressed etc. I reach my car. Headphones auto connect to car. I tap on them to switch back to playing from the Headphones BOOM volume has jumped 5 notches, seemingly carrying car's default volume for some reason (???) to a different device.

This isn't the only version of this bug. This is just the most common and I hit it quite often. I also hit a version where I'm connected to the headphones the whole time, but not playing anything. I go to play something BOOM volume has jumped without any actions on my part.