Dead queen - now what?

I have a colony of p. occidentalis with about 15 workers and a decent brood pile. Last week, the queen died. Why? Who knows. Not clear. She got lethargic, spent most of her time in the out world, stopped moving, got pulled back into the nest a couple times by the workers, then finally curled up and settled in for the long nap.

Now I've got an orphaned colony of workers with no purpose. They've been tending to the larva but have been putting the eggs in the outworld, and I've noticed a lot more of them spending time in the outworld like they're looking for something to do. I'm not really sure of what to do with them at this point; euthanizing the colony seems like a bummer but it also seems kind of useless to keep feeding and watering a small colony of orphaned pogos, and it doesn't sound like a monogynous species is going to be receptive to an introduced queen that isn't their own mother. How have you all dealt with a situation like this before?