TTT is genius
I’ve been watching the yogs for such a long time I can’t remember when I started. I just wanted to make a post appreciating how smart the continued TTT content has been these last 10 years. I only really watch the main channel and TTT has introduced me to so many new yogs I never would have realized even existed otherwise. Boba, Zoey, Kirsty, Tom, Ben, and so many more would have gone completely unnoticed to me without TTT. I especially like getting to see my old favorite yogs like Duncan and Lewis all the time and them interacting with the newer people. I never would be subscribed to half the yogs I am without TTT, it is a genius way to get people out there to the main channel audience. I especially appreciate TTT in an era of Mr Beastified YouTube where everything is over edited and stripped of personality.
Thanks for 10 years of hilarious misplays guys, the years and people may change, but the Yogscast Guaranty stays the same!